
Acupuncture and other Traditional Asian Medicines comprise the oldest medical system in the world and are currently the fastest growing medical modality in the United States. We at In Balance Acupuncture and Wellness would love to introduce you to a healthy and pain free way of life. Evidence suggests that acupuncture has been in use as early as 300 B.C., providing us with thousands of years o... Read More

Acupuncture and other Traditional Asian Medicines comprise the oldest medical system in the world and are currently the fastest growing medical modality in the United States. We at In Balance Acupuncture and Wellness would love to introduce you to a healthy and pain free way of life. Evidence suggests that acupuncture has been in use as early as 300 B.C., providing us with thousands of years of research and development in current acupuncture practices. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognize acupuncture's effectiveness for treating many common disorders and relieving pain without the use of medication. Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Supplements, Cupping, Tui Na (therapeutic massage), and Gua Sha (myofascial release), Reiki and Meditation are all services we provide at In Balance Acupuncture and Wellness, LLC. to help alleviate pain, relax your body and mind, and provide relief from many common health concerns as well as supporting wellness and healthy living.


Reiki is a traditional energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and harmony of your energy to support healing. Christie Kern has been using and sharing Reiki for 20 years and teaches others this gentle, kind practice of health care. She also offers... Read More

Reiki is a traditional energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and harmony of your energy to support healing.

Christie Kern has been using and sharing Reiki for 20 years and teaches others this gentle, kind practice of health care. She also offers remote sessions, to help people all around the world with the healing light of Reiki.

Christie Kern, L.Ac.

Compassion expressed through Asian Healing Arts of Acupuncture, Reiki and Tao Hands Healing/Tao Science.

Christie helps her patients create a healthy and harmonious life through the use of Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Reiki, Tao Hands Healing, Vibrational and Sound healing techniques. In her 15+ years of experience and thousands of treatments, Christie has crafted an intuitive style of treating her clients by melding many of these different healing modalities into a session.

Christie’s clients rave about her talent; but they keep coming back because of her warm, compassionate heart. Christie is ALSO a certified Reiki Master, Reiki teacher, and a gifted Animal Communicator.

Reiki is not covered by insurance.

Christie Kern, L.Ac. Compassion expressed through Asian Healing Arts of Acupuncture, Reiki and ... Read More

Dr. Sterling grew up in Chicago and graduated summa cum laude from Northwestern University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Her graduate studies led first to a doctoral degree in Naprapathy from the National College of Naprapathic Medicine, then a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine — all with high honors. She is licensed and board-certified in Wisconsin to practice Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. In Illinois, she is licensed and board-certified to practice in Acupuncture, Naprapathy and Herbal Medicine. Dr. Sterling believes strongly in an integrative approach that effectively, compassionately, and skillfully addresses your health care needs. Solutions to illness and injury can come from many sources so she will work with you to develop your care plan. She values timely risk assessment and proactive intervention using the ancient, tried-and-true methods of Eastern Medicine.

Dr. Sterling says, “If you give your body the right environment, it will know how to heal itself. My purpose is to help you, our patients, to understand and act on this fundamental truth. This is the heart of complementary medicine.”

Dr. Sterling grew up in Chicago and graduated summa cum laude from Northwestern University with a... Read More

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